Egliseum Belgium chose AUDAC when redesigning their historic church as an event hall.The reverberant halls proved to be quite a challange. This former carmelite church was built in its current form in 1922. Eyecatcher of the elegantly designed venue are the stained glass windows that bathe the interior in a sea of colour and tranquility. The inner surface measures up to 1500m². This grand volume, combined with the many windows the stones the church was erected in, demanded a superior quality speaker to compensate for the bad acoustics. AUDAC GIAX speakers were the ideal candidate.Accoustic simulations were used to determine the ideal placement for these column speakers. This way the sound each of the GIAX's 24 drivers produces reaches the listener with impeccable intelligibility. For the smaller exhibition rooms WX502 2-way speakers were used. Their discrete design made sure that the clear sound gets noticed, but the speaker doesn't.
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